3 Ways To Prevent Slips and Falls Around the Pool

3 Ways To Prevent Slips and Falls Around the Pool

Pools bring guests joy, but they can also bring many safety risks. To keep patrons safe and minimize the risk of accidents, commercial and public pools must take proactive measures to reduce the risk of slips and falls. In this blog, we’ll examine three ways to prevent slips and falls around the pool.

Use Floor Mats

One effective measure to prevent slips and falls is to strategically place industrial floor mats around the pool and in areas prone to moisture, such as locker rooms. These mats provide traction, even when wet. Some mats offer built-in drainage, keeping water off their surface and creating a dry area for patrons to walk on. Investing in industrial mats will pay off as patrons stay safe around the pool.

Provide Signage and Warnings

Posting clear signage around your pool with pool safety rules, warnings, and guidelines can ensure patrons use the facility safely. Include warnings that floors around the pool may be slippery and encourage swimmers to walk slowly and carefully to avoid slipping. Adding tiles or painted markings to the floors of your poolside area to discourage running can serve as a reminder to patrons to be cautious in slippery areas.

Maintain Drainage Systems

Effective drainage systems are essential for preventing water accumulation and minimizing slip hazards. Ensure drains, gutters, and grates are debris-free and functioning efficiently. Address any standing water or pooling areas promptly to prevent slipperiness and potential accidents. Regularly inspect and clean drainage systems to prevent clogs and water buildup, which could lead to slips and falls.

Now that you know three ways to prevent slips and falls around the pool, you can take the proper steps to ensure your patrons stay safe while visiting your pool. With the help of these proactive measures, you can ensure patrons leave your facility with positive memories and a desire to return.

For industrial floor mats for your pool area, check out Mats Inc. We have industrial mats for sale that will provide traction in locker rooms, bathrooms, and pool entryways to prevent slips and falls.

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